The answer is yes. Our supblingual drops do contain real HCG and they are the homeopathic drops. Below is a statement from DNA Labs (Our brand of sublingual drops) in regards to this subject.
A Quote from Dustin at DNA Labs:
"It does contain real hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin), but in smaller amounts. That is the nature of homeopathics. The theory is that when a small amount is introduced, the body starts producing more of it. The only way to get a high dose of hCG is to do the injections. The homeopathic way is a more natural solution."
A Quote from Charlie (A distributor of DNA Labs product):
"As you and your clients have seen it works very well, I have personally had 2 people tested, before and after, to see if the HCG was working properly in the body. By looking at how much lean mass is lost over the course of a 40 day HCG cycle. The largest number of lean mass lost in 40 days was 1.1 pounds. That client lost 19lbs on the diet."
When HCG is working properly you lose fat and keep your muscle. That is why we are so confident in our product because it is one of the only sublingual drops products that contain real HCG and achieve healthy results in weight loss.